In The Flow
If you would like to learn more about me and what led me into this work, I invite you to read my articles on this website as well as check out my Youtube channel. I work worldwide via Zoom.
Through many layers of indoctrination and emotional suppression we move further and further away from our true essence - our vital life force. When things inevitably become off-balance our current society will push for physical or mental approaches to health and, while often helpful, they completely ignore the most powerful force in our lives: our energy, chi, prana, life force, or, eternal soul.
I read and work with energy to support you to live in accordance with the natural rhythms, seasons and cycles of your life, practice radical emotional acceptance and to learn to live by the lead of your heart and soul. My passion is training others in how to work with their own energy, so that it ultimately becomes self-healing.
Living stuck in our minds we’ll always be ten steps behind life’s choreography, but by returning to living through sensing, feeling, experiencing, we can get back in the rhythm and back in the flow.
Read my latest articles here:
As Universal Forces Converge...
The film Lion, set in both India and Australia, depicts a well-adjusted young man before something affects him so deeply he leaves his career, state and beloved partner behind, hiding himself away and succumbing to what looks like an unkempt life of obsession and secrecy.
Intergenerational Karma
Some years back a ten-pound Pom migrated to Australia from England along with her husband. They temporarily stayed in a camp where they had two children, a boy and a girl. While the children were still very young she ran off with another man. A couple of weeks later…
Emotional Triggers
I was living in England at the time of Brexit, an interesting time of tension and change in that society. There was a clear divide of ideas in the staff room and even walking down the main street I would never forget seeing a man holding a sign saying Vote Leave and turning to see…